english muffins

Longest shift of my life

I know there’s a ton of TWSS potential with that post title, but unfortunately it is in reference to my j-o-bizzle (so get yo’ mind out of the gutter)!  How was my day?  Does that answer the question? (not that you really asked) Four of those are mine.  Four.  Normally I’m all about saving my cup and taking advantage of the free 54 cent refills.  But, since I worked through lunch, I didn’t even get the chance to run across the street to get my Starbucks fix.  I was barely hanging on (which I guess… Read more >

Pizza, pizza, pizza. Who am I?

Lately I’ve been having such rando cravings, I feel like a preggo!  (Don’t worry Mom…) I had frozen pizza just the other day, and yet, the following TWO days I had pizza as well.  Seriously.  Who am I?  This is pretty odd considering pizza is not exactly a food I would typically associate with strong feelings of lust.  Growing up, it was never a food I especially craved.  As fun as pizza parties were, discovering I was lactose intolerant at such a young age severed any chance of forming the quintessential bond that most kids… Read more >

Little Miss Sunshine

Looks like I brought the sunny CA weather back East with me, huh?  Let’s hope it lasts. My camera died mid-lunch prep, so only 75% of my pre-packed eats are shown below. Ellie’s presents came in handy with my lunch prep.  First up, the Tokyo Seaweed Salad, which I chose because I had extra Arame seaweed to use from yesterday’s lunch. I mixed the rest of the arame (on the left) with half the Tokyo Seaweed salad and added it to a fistful of spinach.  I added raisins after the photo because it looked too… Read more >

Cut your losses

At some point I guess you just have to accept that you can’t catch up.  For me, that day is today.  Rather than go back to where I last left off (Friday’s eats), I am skipping ahead to the weekend’s eats.  Trust me, you aren’t missing anything too epic…hummus and fruit, no doubt. You know what a packed lunch means… Work weekend 🙁 The snack deets: green monster superfood odwalla bar, peanut toffee buzz clif bar (holy EFFING yum – is this a new flavor, or have i just found the light?), the last of… Read more >