
Nursing back to health

I feel like I need to play catch up.  As I mentioned in my eco hippie post, I was a bit ill the other day, so my pics were pretty boring.  Here’s a queasy stomach tutorial: First, drown yourself in tea… Then, slowly make your way through as many different carbs as you can get your hands on… Natural antioxidants don’t hurt either… (Thanks to the POM fairy, Ryan, I am stocked for a while, too – score) Mid-day napping is practically a given…on top of several hours in front of the t.v. (i.e. Top… Read more >

Vancouver time

By the time you read this, I am likely in the upper itty-bitty corner of WA chilling at the in-laws casa before heading across the border to Vancouver.  Kyle and I put in a bid for Olympics tix decades ago and, amazingly enough, we got them for a pretty stellar event.  If you keep your eyes peeled to your TV sets during the men’s US v. Canada ice hockey game, I promise I will try my best to do something obnoxious enough to get some air time (think stars & stripes face painting).  I’m currently… Read more >

An anti-atrophy agenda (part 1)

After I started writing, I realized I had more to say than I thought, so it’s gonna be a three part plan (stay tuned).  For now, let’s talk about my tapeworm insatiable appetite.  For the life of me, I couldn’t get my hunger in check the other morning. “Nature is a giver, a true friend and a sustainer.”  The same can be said about Justin’s nutbutter.  On the english muffin was the “classic” almond butter, and DANG, was it tasty.  This is by far my favorite kind of nut butter.  I never thought the day… Read more >

On my laurels

This weekend I relaxed more than I have in a loooooong time.  I didn’t exercise.  I hardly cooked.  To be honest, I pretty much spent the weekend watching the Australian Open, football, and hanging out with Kyle (I did a fair amount of eating as well).  If that’s not the picturesque weekend, well, shoot me.  I have a TON of photos, but they aren’t very glamorous and don’t require much in the way of explanations…so…without further ado… JAVA the hut Bluffin’ with my muffin   How to make quinoa ghetto Afternoon delight(s) YouShake customized “Blended… Read more >

Cold weather challenges

It’s been pretty cold lately, and with the change in weather comes several personal challenges.  Comfort food.  Why is it called that?  It certainly doesn’t leave you feeling comforted.  For all intents and purposes, it should be called UNcomfortable food, because of how it leaves you feeling.  But then, who doesn’t crave warm foods during the cold months?  Sure, there are healthy hot dishes, but soup gets old, and suddenly I find myself drawing a blank on the meal creating front and resorting to some stereotypical (aka less than healthy) alternatives.  Because of this, the… Read more >