
How was your night?

Mine was fabulous.  Kyle may or may not kill me for posting that picture.  But it’s worth it.  I had to show you all how adorbz my beau is! Getting serenaded while eating an apple/cinnamon dessert on the late night – is there a better way to spend your Friday night?  I think not. But back to the AM. Breakfast of champions indeed.  I really tested my stomach’s expansion ability with this one.  First of all that coffee mug was the size of my head (and I had 2 of ‘em filled to the brim),… Read more >

Cold weather challenges

It’s been pretty cold lately, and with the change in weather comes several personal challenges.  Comfort food.  Why is it called that?  It certainly doesn’t leave you feeling comforted.  For all intents and purposes, it should be called UNcomfortable food, because of how it leaves you feeling.  But then, who doesn’t crave warm foods during the cold months?  Sure, there are healthy hot dishes, but soup gets old, and suddenly I find myself drawing a blank on the meal creating front and resorting to some stereotypical (aka less than healthy) alternatives.  Because of this, the… Read more >

Run Fat Boy Run

I sat on the couch all day today.  I did NO exercise, and worse yet, I barely moved my butt even within my own apartment.  In fact, the only reason I ditched my PJs and left my 600 square foot haven was to pick up my freshly pressed dress for this weekend.  But, the dry cleaners is less than 3 blocks from the apartment, so I expended less than 5 calories (and even that is being generous).  Meh.  I’m not pleased with my fitness-less day, but at the same time, I don’t really care.  I… Read more >

Is Steve-o really vegan?

I’m all about VeganMoFo.  October is already my favorite month, so I was delighted to read Gena’s latest post and find out that there is yet ANOTHER reason to smile now that it’s October.  I mean, why not dedicate an entire month to celebrating a healthy lifestyle!  In honor of this special Vegan Month Of Food, in each post I am going to reveal a celebrity who is vegan.  Today’s vegan celeb was someone I was QUITE surprised about…I mean after years of torturing himself for entertainment purposes, who would ever have expected STEVE-O to… Read more >

Lovely sweet p

Happy middle-of-the-week day (I don’t really like to associate “hump” with such a negative time). You know the drill.  My pre-packed comida included: dried papaya chunks, oat bran pretzels & raisins, salad (with the works), apple pie Larabar, and peanut butter pretzel MoJo bar. Spinach, carrots, raw corn, black beans, and sweet potatoes.  Love me some sweet p’s.  They go with EVERYTHING…even things they shouldn’t go with, they do. I dare you to name something they don’t go with.  Just to be clear though, I’m not saying I’ll try it…  😉 This was a good… Read more >