odwalla bar

Cut your losses

At some point I guess you just have to accept that you can’t catch up.  For me, that day is today.  Rather than go back to where I last left off (Friday’s eats), I am skipping ahead to the weekend’s eats.  Trust me, you aren’t missing anything too epic…hummus and fruit, no doubt. You know what a packed lunch means… Work weekend 🙁 The snack deets: green monster superfood odwalla bar, peanut toffee buzz clif bar (holy EFFING yum – is this a new flavor, or have i just found the light?), the last of… Read more >

Sore and more with chickpeas

I have been a slacker!  Rather than let these photos cause my 900th computer crash fall by the wayside, how about we play a quick little game of catch (up)? Last week, vital wheat gluten met my bestie, the chickpea. I went with the tried and true (recipe from V’con) for chickpea seitan cutlets.  Can cookbooks win Pulitzers?  So simple, so genius.  I barely let them cool before taste testing them out on a piece of bread (and subsequently losing a layer of skin on the roof of my mouth).  Yum yum. The magic bullet… Read more >

Making love to my Luna

I hereby dedicate this post to everyone who has de-lurked lately.  I LOVE hearing from you all, and it makes me so happy to know that you get ideas from my blog.  That said, several peeps have been asking for tips on packing lunches.  Well, I aim to please, so here’s a post packed with some of my latest eats that I have brought to work.  Lord knows, it’s hard to prep for 12 hour shifts, especially when you have no clue when (or IF) you will get breaks to eat.  So, I do rely… Read more >

Down with the sickness

I loved hearing about all your PM routines!  Such planners we all are.  Well, most of us… I have to say, it’s a little reassuring to know there are other freaks out there just like me. As I said before, I was kinda behind getting my ducks in a row on Thursday night.  As a result, I expended minimal energy making this lunch (probably a 2 out of 10 on the effort scale).  Basically, I just kept adding more snacks in the hopes that the next day there would be at least something I wanted… Read more >

I labored all day

Cha-ching!!  Hear that?  That’s the sound of the $$ being deposited in my bank account after working a holiday.  Time and a half, yes please! (Sadly, I have a feeling the influx of cash flow on my end is probably barely enough to cover the amount oozing out of my better half while he is living it up in Vegas…) I gave the tropical fruit Larabar another shot (but ONLY for you Julie!) and I’m sorry to say, I still wasn’t a fan.  Want the proof?  I actually threw out the uneaten half.  Now, I’m… Read more >