plain tofu

candle day #1

AKA the 1st day of Hanukkah. Why are there 4 different ways to spell that? Well, since I work at a (technically) Jewish hospital, I know more than I ever thought I would about the kosher ways of the world. So, my blog title is in celebration of the festival of lights! Good thing my lunch didn’t have meat and dairy on the same plate…oh wait, I don’t eat meat OR dairy, so looks like I’m perma-kosher by default. I had to DRAG myself out of bed this morning. My alarm went off at 5… Read more >

like a black hole

I swear, I have been trying to get out of the C pod for a solid month! It’s loaded with chronic patients and I am slowly dying a bit more each day just being over there…so today I successfully made the transition. Here’s how it works. Both pods (B and C) are part of the cardiac critical care unit, but pod C has 9 rooms and B only has 8. So, since there are 2 nurses per side splitting the patient load, if you are stuck in hell (aka pod C) you may have 5… Read more >

ready to chew my arm off

1) I was starving ALL freakin’ day long, why so hungry?? No idea. 2) My patients were making me craaaaaaaaazy!! 3) My subway train was stuck at the 50th street station (no express trains on weekends – BOO!!) because my car’s door wouldn’t close properly. It added an extra 30 minutes to my already horrible commute. Sweet. I was about to pass out because my stomach was eating itself. ANYways…I was starving by 10 and I was out of odwalla bars (sad), so I stole some food from the extra hospital breakfast trays (even more… Read more >

i’m thinking squash

Buenos dias! No work = sleep in day (woo hoo)! Made a nice big frothy mug of coffee this morning. Yum yum yum. I spent the next few hours doing errands around the apartment…and I didn’t even realize how much time had passed until my stomach started growling around 2 pm. Whoa! Late lunch much? So I made a nice platter for myself with the best hummus EVAH (Sabra). First I had some carrots and a slice of Alvarado street bread… Then I had one more piece of bread (caked with delicious Sabra)… And another…… Read more >

Operation: Don’t set hair on fire!

Hooray! I love weekends šŸ™‚ Since I didn’t have work, I slept in today, which felt amazing. Then, Kyle headed off to MindsMatter, so I curled up with a cup (or 2) of coffee with soymilk (no froth) and watched Home Alone. Such an x-mas classic. I had the last of my bag of dates too. Looks like I’ll need to make a grocery run this weekend, a date-less apartment is a no-no. I also started off my weekend cooking by baking some tofu. Drained and pressed tofu below. After an hour in the oven… Read more >