spinach salad

Simply smile

The other day I had a unique take on oatmeal for breakfast. It wasn’t really oatmeal.  Nor was it breakfast.  Nor was it intentional. After night shift, I slept in ‘til noon and then woke up to spend my Friday with Kyle.  After lounging the morning away, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go for a run or eat something.  I decided to put a pot of oats on the stove, but by the time they were done, I had changed my mind.  So I turned the stove off and left the oats while… Read more >

Larabars for you

I didn’t get a lunch sleep break last night because there was a code on the unit right when my break should have been.  Clearly a patient’s life trumps my snooze time, so I just kept powering through the night sans rest.  It was a long code (holy chest compressions batman!) and the third of the night in the hospital, but it ended with a beating heart and oxygenated blood, and that’s all you can hope for, right?  Right.  I had a delicious dinner packed up. The salad had spinach, sprouts, farro (love!), hummus, bell… Read more >

Tropical meets comfort

When I think of island vacation getaways, I think of coconuts.  When I think of winter comfort cooking, my mind goes to butternut squash.  So why not combine the two?  Oh yes I did. The base of the dish was made and then frozen nearly a month ago…back when my friend gave me two cases of butternut squash. I used the slow cooker, adding an entire butternut squash (cubed) and a box of Vita Coco coconut water and leaving it alone for 4 hours to do it’s thang.  Before and after. Then I tupperwared it… Read more >

Lunch Lessons

I had the best patients over the weekend.  Nice.  Appreciative.  Compliant.  They may seem like simple requests as far as personality traits are concerned, but you’d be surprised.  It made the nights fly by.  Another thing that made the nights go by nice and smooth…books.  You see, when it comes to night shifts, they can either be crazy and chaotic (ER admissions, codes, etc.) or super slow (eyelids drooping, head nodding).  I prefer middle of the road shifts with a moderate amount of activity, but beggars can’t be choosers.  Such being the case, it’s good… Read more >

Restaurant wars

The past week has been pretty restaurant heavy.  It makes sense since our fridge currently has more condiments than anything else.  After returning from Vegas, we stopped at the Culver City location of Tender Greens for some very necessary clean and organic meals.  It was pouring rain and we had no umbrellas, so we decided take-away was the best option.  After showering and unpacking, I dug into my “Happy Vegan” salad.  For optimal photography, I removed the toast and greens that were resting atop the other parts of the salad and put them on a… Read more >