vegan cake

Operation Elimination

Prepping for the “elimination phase” of the FODMAPS diet was a bit daunting at first.  I found myself looking up individual foods constantly to see what their chemical structure was (and if they contained FODMAPS).  But once I started to get the hang of it, I came up with lots of meal ideas. My meals will continue to be plant-based, but I want to try and make this as helpful as possible for all my fellow IBSers, so please note, the starred (*) items are for those who aren’t vegan. FODMAPS free grocery list Fruit… Read more >

Yellow cupcakes

A long time ago I was contacted by Wholesome Chow, a company that sells vegan (and some gluten-free) baking mixes. They sent me a vanilla cake mix – vegan, organic, fair trade, casein, peanut, wheat & gluten free.  The ingredients are all recognizable (always a good thing) and the company has eco-friendly practices , plus they use locally sourced ingredients. Could the steps be any simpler?  [you have to say that with a Chandler accent] 1.  Add non-dairy milk and apple cider vinegar together and let them curdle. I used almond milk.  Once it got… Read more >

A vegan cheesecake that will wow non-vegans

I don’t make claims like that without knowing for certain they are the truth.    I searched high and low for the perfect cheesecake recipe.  But in the end, I went with my gut (and my taste buds).  You see the cheesecake had to be better than good, it had to be “the best.”  Why?  Because it was specially requested by my coworkers who were dying to try some of my vegan baking.  Opportunities like these don’t come often.  In fact, I can’t remember anyone at my old job making a special request for vegan… Read more >

Sevilla’s vegan dessert scene

Babycakes has competition!    I was quite pleased (understatement) when I discovered a vegan patisserie in Sevilla.    It kinda made my trip.  I was like a kid in a candy store (or a vegan in a vegan bakery).  See?!  Not only was it nearly impossible for me to contain my excitement, but I was having a really hard time choosing which treat to order!  I could barely narrow my selection down to two items.            In the end I got a blackberry cupcake and a chocolate muffin (for the road). … Read more >

12 miles/hr

Here’s a fun little “would you rather.” It’s pretty much the question that most Angelinos face on a daily basis.  Would you rather drive or ride your bike for 12 miles?  What if I told you the cycling route would be a guaranteed 60 minute commute, but you may or may not be in your car for 1-2 hours?  Welcome to my life. I chose the bike.   My parents are in So Cal this week to see all the new babies in the fam, so on Monday night they took us out to dinnah…. Read more >