vegan cookies

A big day

Kyle’s on his way home!  Weee!  After an eternity on my own, I’m re-he-he-heeeeally looking forward to his return. [edited to add: the van broke down and he’s stuck in Albuquerque sorting out the game plan to fix it, so who knows what this means for his return home] Let me just photo bomb you with some recent meals… Carrots, green grapes, Mary’s Gone crackers, Redwood Hill Farm smoked cheddar goat cheese, hard boiled eggs, local smoked almonds (from the Co-op). Very smoke-y, very yummy.  Ditto goes for the almonds. Carrots, Mary’s Gone crackers, candied walnuts,… Read more >

“Surprise” cookies

  Baby Batch Peanut Butter “surprise” Cookies [vegan, gluten free, FODMAPs friendly] Ingredients: 2 tbsp vegan mayo (I used nasoya whipped) 3 tbsp creamy natural peanut butter 1/4 cup cane sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 tbsp ground chia seeds 1 tbsp water 1/2 cup oat flour 1/2 tsp baking powder pinch of salt Directions: Combine mayo and peanut butter together until well mixed.  Add chia seeds and water into the mix.  Let it rest for a bit. Add everything else in (except the salt) and stir together.  If the batter is too soft (room… Read more >

Passport weekend

This is gonna be a long one, but I like recapping our little family weekends, so this is selfishly for my own (online?) memory. Friday morning I had my usual breakfast, toast with an egg.  Only I added something special, that I’ll review more thoroughly later on.   Hint: it’s the peanut butter.  After eating I spent the morning prepping for an interview.  I have mixed feelings about my timeline for going back to work and it’s a complicated issue that I’m not going to discuss on the blog.  Once I know what the plan… Read more >

Family Routine – 1 month

During the first month at home, here’s what a typical day with our family of three looks like… 7 am: Wake up (for good).    I usually don’t go back to sleep after P decides he’s hungry between 6-8 am.  He eats every 2-4 hours or so throughout the night (it’s occasionally more frequent during the day) so if it’s before 6 am I usually try to go back to sleep again, but if it’s after that I just get up.  Kyle showers while I change and breast feed and then brings the pack ‘n… Read more >

Hospital, take-out, & home-made (food from the first two weeks post-partum)

The first couple of weeks have flown by.  It’s what everyone said would happen, and it is definitely the truth. The food in the hospital was okay.  [I work at the same place I gave birth to P so I know exactly where the menu and cafeteria excel and fall short] Whoever told me the first meal after birth would be the best thing I ever ate lied.  I didn’t take a photo of it, but I got two slices of french toast and a banana.  Remember how much I adore the hospital’s french toast? … Read more >