Sabra Sunday

As you all know by now, Sabra courses through my veins like no other.  So you can imagine how excited I was last week to find out that THIS was going down on Sunday.  Sabra “transformed” Union Square into a Mediterranean Cafe…with samples upon samples upon samples of hummus!  Are you there God, it’s me Elise hummus queen?  K, if this isn’t reason enough to visit, I don’t think there’s anything more I can offer you?


Here I am with one of my 6 free samples of classic hummus and Stacy’s pita chips. 


They also had a toppings cart with 9 different options.  Of course, I went with the roasted red pepper because why stray from a true love?


New flavors anyone?  How about some coupons? 


Is Sabra hiring food bloggers?  I would be MORE than willing to make meals that revolve entirely around their hummus.  I mean, I do that on a daily basis already, don’t I?


A group of us set up a picnic in Union Square with our yummies.


Jess was on her way to TJs, so she stopped by to hang for a bit.  New York’s weather was FINALLY cooperating, and it was heavenly :)  IMG_4141IMG_4139

We hit up the High Line, too.  It was cute, but WAY too crowded.  We have similar views from our rooftop, and we don’t have to elbow our way to the edge to see it either.  I guess I should just be glad the city constructed something hippie friendly, rather than more skyscrapers money makers. 


Back at the apartment I snacked on some fruit.  This was my first real fig and it wasn’t nearly as sweet as I was expecting.  I kinda liked it.

Dinner = operation smorgasbord at WF


This is one of the HUGE containers, which had layers upon layers of random eats piled on top of one another. 

A few that I can remember: ginger carrots, edamame succotash, steamed broccoli, kale, multi-sprout salad, BBQ tofu, dried cranberries, heart of palm, seaweed salad…and who knows what else!  IMG_4148

It was tasty, but lacking in the carbs department.


The remedy?  Dave’s Killer Bread!  I toasted it and smeared it up with hummus. 


That didn’t quite calm the carb-callings, so I opted for a bowl of sesame sticks. 

Something I learned yesterday: watching Top Chef on the late night is a dangerous habit…and leads to PM snack-a-thons. 


Does anyone have favorites/front runners chosen for the season so far? 

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Comments (39)

  1. janetha

    oh my. that is seriously hummus heaven made for the hungry hippie that is yourself! although i would not mind diving into that spot head first either. and your dress you wore to enjoy the hummus extravaganza is super cute!!

  2. Annabel @

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!

  3. ethel

    Sabra hummus IS DELICIOUSNESS E! Bee tee dubs, you and Jess oober cute bride-to-be’s!

    p.s. I’m loving the rubia-ness on middle Dieden 😉

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    As you are talking about your midnite snackies of medjools and choco chips that you have pictured…..I am poppin medjools slathered in sunbutter and choco chips down the hatchet while I blog surf. Good times. But not as good as your little free sabra score sunday. That rocks that you could go!

  5. Lara (Thinspired)

    This event has your name written all over it! It’s like they decided to host it just for you 😉

  6. Shelby

    WHAT?! HUMMUS FEST 09! Why wasn’t I invited?!

  7. julie

    holy crap that is NY’s best moment. wow that looks insanely fun 🙂 haha I’m a little overzealous here but seriously Sabras + Sun = perfect Sunday.

    I’m pretttty amped that peaches are in season now and it’s juuuuust about time to go apple picking which is probably actually it IS my favorite fall activity. actually I lie besides football, apple picking comes second.

  8. blueeyedheart

    Yay! I’m glad you liked it 🙂 (Then again, that was kind of a foregone conclusion, wasn’t it?! 😉

    <3 <3

  9. VeggieGirl

    Hungry Hungry Hippie Hummus Heaven!!

    (yes, I’m proud of my alliteration skills – don’t judge 😉 ).

  10. Ada

    WTF??? I can’t believe I missed that hummus event!!! Bummer. It looks like you really enjoyed yourself though!

  11. insideiamdancing

    I think you should be emailing Sabra STAT and getting some work there… You totally rep them! A hummus FESTIVAL?!!!!!!! I can’t think of an event more suited to you.

  12. Courtney

    Yay! I am glad you decided to go to the Sabara event–a very wise decision, if you ask me 🙂 It looks delish!

    And what?! That is your FIRST fresh fig ever?! Aren’t you from CA, where most of our figs are grown?! I cannot believe you have been missing out on the delicious wonder that is a fresh fig! I gorge myself on them every year at this time–why is the season so short?! And WHY are they so damn expensive?! And WHY can I eat soooooooo many of them in one sitting that my wallet is seriously hurting?! Questions to ponder…

    No favorites in the Top Chef pack as of now, but I know I *don’t* like Mike (I think that is his name?)…


  13. homegirlcaneat

    WTF A SABRA SQUARE?!?!?! I need to get the hell to NYC PRONTO! You have no idea how badly I am dying from good food and it is only like my fifth day at college. Iceberg lettuce salads are soooo gross!! I need HUMMUS, TOFU, CORN, EDANAME, GOOD SALAD DRESSING, MEATLESS MEATBALLS!!! …I seem like a crazy person.

    But in other news… I AM FINALLY ON YOUR COAST!! YAY!!! <3

  14. elise

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! sorry about the nast iceberg sitch. get yo a$$ to some fine eateries stat. i cant wait to read all about how errthang is going. woop woop!!

  15. Missy Maintains

    Ahh I am so mad that I missed that! Best event ever!!!

  16. elise

    hahaha, too many questions!! ok, so i *think* i may have had a fresh fig or two growing up since both my neighbs and my gramps had a tree in their backyards…but i cant remember. we also had raspberries, plums, oranges, peaches, and a garden with tomatoes, herbs, strawbz, etc etc. (sorry, thats not to make you jealous). so i just preferred lots of other fruits and i guess i never made it around to the figs.

    sabra was heavenly!

  17. molls

    i can only imagine how excited you were when you saw that sabra was having those stands… ahh amazing! wish they would come do that in Kansas City like now

  18. ksgoodeats

    No way, I missed the best weekend ever! On the bright side?! The bestie told me there was a restaurant near her apartment called Sabra – hope she doesn’t mind eating there for every single meal 🙂

    Stacy’s pita chips and Sabra is a match in foodie heaven. Plain and simple.

  19. elise


  20. lowandbhold

    I think your life has ultimately fulfilled now, wouldn’t you say. That was basically an “Elise, here’s a Hugh Jass hummus celebration just for you because of your immense love for the chickpea”! Love it!

    I don’t get Bravo anymore, but when I did I definitely snacked like crazy every time I watched it.

  21. elise

    im pretty sure i can die happy now.

  22. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)

    SHUT. UP. HOW did I not know about that?! That is some crazy talk right there, that Sabra square bizniss. But if anyone needed to attend, it needed to be you. I think the nurse would have become the patient if you found out that happened and missed it, eh? 🙂

  23. jenngirl

    If you’re queen of Sabra hummus, can I be your lady in waiting?

  24. Courtney

    Wow–how lucky were you to grow up with so much fresh beautiful food in your backyard?! And you DID make me jealous, lol! YUM!


  25. lilveggiepatch

    AH, it looks amazing! I’m so sad I didn’t get there. Next year…

    Don’t really watch any TV in “real time” , but I want to catch up on TC.

  26. Emily

    woah, hummus festivus + gorgy weather + wf bar + fresh figs + dates + chocolate = like the best day ever. topped with late night top chef snacking? right on 🙂

  27. Amy

    OH man I am so jealous of that Sabra’s station! Union Square is so cool–I need to go into the city more often. Bottom line: Agreed, Sabra’s is the best hummus you can buy and I will not even consume another brand.

    Love figs–the texture is so delicious and unique. Sprinkling them with cinnamon and sea salt makes them extra yum.

    Have a great night!

  28. elise

    cinnamon and sea salt?! hmmm…ill have to try that. it sounds odd and intriguing at the same time?!

  29. elise

    haha – i know right?!

  30. elise

    boooo, you shoulda come!!

  31. elise

    best job everrrrr…could i please have free samples for the rest of my life?

  32. elise

    it was fabulous. they shoulda advertised it better…more samples for me though 🙂

  33. elise

    haha…ill take it!

  34. dee (the apple hill adventurer)

    hummus envy …

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  36. Jessica (jesslikesithot)

    Sabra sampling?!?! New flavors?!!?!! Ooooh, ahhhh…..sounds TOO good to be true!

    Did you form a love affair with a new flav!? Spill it! I’ll be thinking of you this weekend as i inhale my sabra tub of roasted garlic and/or roasted red pepper. Sooo EXCITED! 😉

  37. elise

    spinach artichoke hummus = heaven. FIND IT NOW!

  38. elise

    it was a dream come true (is that sad?)

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