This is my balance

A few days ago Kailey posted about her idea of balance and then she encouraged others to share their own version.


To me, balance is not getting stressed out about making things even and constant.  It’s just not realistic pour moi.  Because I work such long hours, but then have full days off in between, I know that each day will be new and different than the last.


I work weekends, night shifts, day shifts, holidays, whatever.  And I’m never sure of how my day will go either.  Will my patient load be easy and stable or will they be acutely ill and very time demanding?  In other words, will I have time to eat when I’m hungry or will I have to sneak in nibbles and bites whenever I can, without regard to my personal preference?


It’s almost this anti-balance that makes me balanced.  The way I see it, control is like a drug.  It can become very addicting.  So being okay with deviating from the idea of “perfection” is important in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Besides, eating the same way over and over is monotonous, right?


Food prep aside, there are days when I get off work and all I want is a warm pita stuffed with peanut butter.


So when my eating habits range from raw, whole, fresh and local food…


to food straight out of a package…


I don’t get bent out of shape, because I know that for every up there is a down.

My food choices always follow my veganish lifestyle, but they don’t always have to be the idyllic meal composition.

For every dietary swing in the more wholesome direction, there’s likely a reactionary swing in the processed direction.

Phases are temporary.


A love of food lasts a lifetime.

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Comments (17)

  1. Emily @OneSweetVegan

    Love this: “For every dietary swing in the more wholesome direction, there’s likely a reactionary swing in the processed direction.”

    Sounds like you have a good balance. 🙂

  2. Christine (The Raw Project)

    Very interesting post, agreed that control can be very addicting. So true about ups and downs and it seems like you have great balance.

  3. Fi

    I loved this post idea, I especially live what u said that we have to give up the idea of perfection in order to gave a healthy normal lifestyle! X

  4. annie

    you’re amazing girl. my #1 food blog inpiration!

    happy 2011 from Australia

  5. Katie

    “control is like a drug” – I couldn’t have said it better! It has taken me YEARS to be okay with giving up control sometimes. Being a teacher of 25 eight year olds has helped with that. 🙂 But it’s flowed over into my eating life as well – which I’m embracing and rolling with.

  6. Pure2raw twins

    I am always amazed how you can balance your schedule!! Truly an inspiration that eating healthy can be done. And everyone has their own definition of balance as well as healthy…a constant battle in the food world.

  7. Kristen

    “Control is addicting” – I couldn’t agree more. I am control-freeeak! I have had to let go, and relax in more ways than I imagined with my move to Spain. It has been good for me… but when I am in the states and I know what I can get and what to expect it’s almost worse. 🙂 Hey, at least I am learning. We are all constant works in progress. You are right that it’s almost easier when you don’t know what to expect. Thanks for sharing!

  8. julie

    control IS like a drug. i think during the weekends when i don’t have a set schedule its easier for me to just let go and be whatever but during the week when i have my schedule i sometimes get too neurotic about keeping to it. when i can balance and relax during the week then i know i’m good.

  9. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    Love your post and thoughts, Elise.

    Sometimes I read blogs and I think to myself, wow, this person has EVERY single last detail of their life planned, from the route they take running down to the last 1/10th of a mile to their food to what hour of the day they go groc shopping to what color their toenail polish will be in 3 weeks, you get the point. There are some people who have it ALL planned out.

    I am a planner. But also, b/c of my life, work, family, child….plans sometimes have to go out the window. That’s called life. And balancing it all.

    For me anyway 🙂

  10. babycakes

    I heart this post so much! 🙂

  11. MarathonVal

    I think a great deal of the reason I love you and your blog is how much orange foods you eat, haha…. reminds me of my own daily eats!

  12. Pingback: The proof is in the pudding « hungry hungry hippie

  13. brothern8ture

    This post is sweet. For once I think I’ll leave it at that instead of writing you a little story 🙂

  14. movesnmunchies

    i love this… great point about control being addictive!

  15. Heather

    Loved this post! And I can especially relate to the unbalance making you more balanced. Since I never know what to expect when I start my shift at the hospital, I try to make extra snacks that can be eaten in a hurry between patients in addition to the foods I have that need to be heated up. You wouldn’t think it would take long to pop something in the microwave for two minutes and eat, but some days that time is just IMPOSSIBLE!

  16. elise

    i KNOW!!! crazy how sometimes i cant even find 5 seconds to get away. sheesh.

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