What I Ate x2

A smoothie so thick the spoon stands up straight in the middle of it.  THAT is a good smoothie.

This had 1 frozen banana, 1 cup frozen blueberries/strawberries, 1/2 cup raw slivered almonds, 1/2 cup greens, and water.  That’s it.

It took a few additions of water – drops at a time – to get it to blend while still keeping it thick but I did it.  I’m going with the “less is more” approach ever since my basic smoothies at my parents’ house were so good.

Moving on to lunch.

I used the rest of the bacon wrapped dates in a kale salad, then added avo and candied walnuts because I love that combo so much.

By Thursday I had fully embraced the challenge of skipping the week’s grocery trip.  I had sausage and broccoli in the freezer and one single russet potato.  Luckily it was a massive potato, but still, it was a stretch for all four of us, so I had leftover cauli gnocchi instead of potato.

We had a family photo shoot AFTER dinner that night, so by the time we got home and got everyone in bed we were super ready to unwind with some chocolate.

His above, hers below.

Check out these cute pics we already got back!

We clean up alright!

That’s more accurate.

One of the things I really want to save up our money for is professional photography sessions (ideally aiming for something annually) because I regret not having more (slash any) non iPhone pics from when P was a baby.  Now that we’ve found a great photographer I am totally going to make good on it.  I’m planning on making these our holiday cards too (let’s be real – this is the kind of lead time I need to make it happen anyway!).

I don’t have a photo of my breakfast, but it was blended green juice. Heavy on the ginger.  I looooved it.  And then for lunch I made myself a evgan Winter salad sans butternut squash.

As good as ever, although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a teeny bit excited for the Fall squash situation…I know I know, it’s JUST barely August!  Already there are Halloween costumes in all the stores and yet I can’t help feeling a little giddy about the impending pumpkin explosion.  That “back to school” vibe is starting to creep into the back of my mind and I don’t mind it.

Check back with me on August 29th though, when I’m dropping P off at his first day of KINDERGARTEN and holding back tears.

I re-made this soup and it was just as good as ever.  I never thought I’d be so excited to have pounds and pounds of home-grown tomatoes, but it certainly helps when you’re in a bind with no groceries!

I added canned chickpeas to the kids’ bowls for extra oomph since the adults had leftover ribs (thanks Dad!!!).

Just like last time, P devoured every single bite despite maintaining his stance that he doesn’t like tomatoes or cashews.  I was nervous that he’d remember what the soup was made of before we started and make a fuss this time around but I was wrong.  In a very UN 5 year old move, he acknowledged that the soup was made of ingredients he doesn’t like but that this soup was different and he loved it.  Okay then!

I am with him 100% though.  I don’t like tomatoes much, but this soup is heavenly.

If the leftovers don’t get eaten first, I may save the rest for a pizza night…unless I pick another few pounds of tomatoes…then I’ll have to freeze this batch, like the last, and just make more!   V eats plenty plain, but not nearly enough to keep up with the rate our plants are putting them out.

We had nectarine cobbler for dessert, but you’ll have to wait for the photos last because I’m going to post the recipe.  Hooray for the WEEKEND!!

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Comments (5)

  1. Courtney

    Your family pictures look great! I have always wanted to get professional photos too. And I am soooooooooo jealous of your nectarines and tomatoes!!

  2. Ttrockwood

    My gosh both of those photos are so precious!! Great that you found a photographer you like too, that’s actually not easy.
    I’m going to have to try the slivered almonds in a smoothie, although soaked overnight- my blender isn’t great at making chunky or hard things super smooth if that makes sense.

    The tomato soup must be magical since P is into it!
    Btw, i scrubbed everything with bar keeper’s friend and it was craaaazy how everything got so super shiny! Satisfied my need for dramatic instant gratification ;))

  3. Elise (Post author)

    HA! Yes!!! I’m so happy for you. Living vicariously through your cleaning is a new low, but I don’t even care!!

  4. Lisa

    I made the tomato soup/sauce this weekend as well with tomatoes from my garden. I have the Roma tomatoes, so just eyeballed how many compared to how many were on your cutting board. I had more tomatoes than what you showed, so increased the other ingredients by about 25%. I think i used 30ish? small/medium Roma tomatoes. Unbelievable – THANK you for the recipe! I also made another batch from passtheplants.com – it added sweet potato and red lentils to the sauce. Less creamy, more traditional pasta sauce. Both good. I now have some frozen from both, and expect your vodka sauce will make an incredible lasagna this fall! Can’t wait. If you have freezer room, i dice up tomatoes in 2 cup servings for the freezer to have on hand for recipes in the winter. Enjoy your harvests!

  5. Elise (Post author)

    AMAZING! Great suggestions! Thanks for the lentils idea too…I bet that would be a good swap for a meat bolognese!

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