
Natural and Native Foods

After another LOOOOONG morning at the Natural Foods Expo, lunchtime rolled around and Kyle and I were beyond tired (read: ready to throw in the towel).  We came, we saw, we conquered, and we were exhausted.  Rather than return for another 5 hours of crowds and chaos, we decided that we had pretty much enjoyed everything Anaheim had to offer.  Game, set, match. With grumbling tummies (I don’t know how), we said goodbye to the Convention Center and set out to find a real meal.  A quick search on my blackberry revealed we weren’t too… Read more >

Hummus heritage

Even though I’m predominantly Irish and German, I can’t help but wonder if there is a long lost Mediterranean family member.  How else do you explain the POUNDS of hummus I consume on a daily basis?? (…not to mention my love affairs with falafel, beans, and fresh veg salads…) Does your heritage creep it’s way into your diet?  Or do you have love for foreign flavors? Even though part of my family is Japanese (not by blood), white rice was never really something I got into…although it did make for some very tasty (albeit unconventional)… Read more >

NuNaturals NuStevia NuNeighborhoods

After working a few days in a row, I just wanted to sleep in ‘til noon today.  Unfortunately, my circadian rhythm wasn’t in on the game plan.  I was up and getting my caffeine on by 8. A few days ago, this lovely package arrived from NuNaturals, so I was thrilled to have a massive fake sugar free NuStevia filled cuppa-joe.  As usual, I brewed and frothed… Then, I added 3 drops of Vanilla Stevia to the Caffe Froth, and 1 packet of NuStevia white powder to the coffee.  Perfection.  No bitter after-taste.  Not too… Read more >

All I want is peace(food)

I worked both days this weekend.  So on Saturday, while everyone else was frolicking in the sun, I was dealing with my patient who decided she was through with the hospital, and removed her own chest tube.  Don’t worry, she’s fine (physically at least…psych-wise I’m still on the fence). Anyways.  Yummy pre-packed food includes: raisin/almond/cashew/carob chip mix, dried mango/papaya, Tribe hummus mini-tub, apple, raw salad, and some bars. Odwalla Superfood (I heart every green millimeter of this flavor) and a Cashew Cookie Larabar (also a favorite). The rest of the day flew by uneventfully (just… Read more >

whatevah, I do what I want

Because yesterday’s post prompted such passionate and wonderful comments (I love you guys!!!), I’d like to post my response, just in case some people don’t check follow up answers in the comment section.  This is just such a great discussion matter… First off, can I just say how PROUD I am of the responses I have gotten on this issue, not just as a (self proclaimed) foodie, but as a female in general! You all are absolutely right, it can be a slippery slope from checking portion sizes to obsessively counting each and every calorie… Read more >