broccoli slaw

Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep

I had work the past two days, so this may get a bit repetitive…packed lunches as always.    Dried fruit, Larabar, Clif bar, dried fruit & nuts (?), hummus, raw salad, apple.  Read on for the deets. Lately I’ve been trying to branch out and dabble in the raw/food combining world, and I have to say, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how positive the results have been.  Even though I have proclaimed myself anti-nuts in the past and vehemently refused to budge on the issue, for some reason I have been on a nut kick lately. … Read more >

New things

Even with a huge cup of frothy coffee, the morning still sucked.  After reading that Sarah decided it was time to bow out of the food blog world (darn creepers stalking her lovin family) I knew I needed something more substantial than my normal cup of joe!  So I dried my tears and busted out the blender. This Amazing Grass smoothie contained half a plain greek yogurt (Chobani of course), half a frozen banana, almond milk, and a chocolate-y packet of lawn shavings.   I stirred melon and dried cranberries into the rest of the… Read more >

eye bee ess

Yes.  I have it.  And although flair ups have been minimal since I’ve been vegan, I DO still have days when I feel like caca (ironically, from the absence of it).  TMI?  Sorry. Usually these days are brought on by stress, and as much as I try to avoid it (with my nice planned out schedules), sometimes life throws a wrench in it.  Unavoidable.  Deal. This weekend, with my 3 shifts in a row schedule, I had to make like Tim Gunn and “make it work.” Comfort foods, aplenty. Review: not too shabby in a… Read more >

The Laws of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics states that heat is a form of energy, which can be transferred, but never created nor destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe always increases. The third law of thermodynamics implies that it is impossible to cool a system all the way to exactly absolute zero. Sure, it may seem weird to start a post with a science lesson, but like most other things in life, it can also be applied to food… 1.  Heat is a form of energy?!  Hell yeah it is!… Read more >

Avada Kedavra

My breakfast was a bit out of the ordinary. Coffee, normal.  Open faced grilled cheese, not normal?  On the side, I had two apples, which complimented the VeganRella mozz perrrrrfectly.  Crunch + melty = great (albeit bizarre) breakfast For lunch I made a tofu salad with a new twist on a fave recipe.  The last time I made this was a big success, so I recreated it, but with a few changes (less mayo, more tofu, brocc slaw instead of celery, shredded carrots instead of chopped). The result was just as successful.  I had it… Read more >