
Expo Explosion

Imagine a Whole Foods the size of 15 football fields…now imagine browsing it’s aisles for two days straight…now imagine representatives from every product giving your samples of their latest and greatest to try (for free!)…and THAT, my friends, is EXPO WEST. In other words, hippie heaven. Friday started bright and early as Kyle and I made our way to Anaheim to register and all that jazz.  And before we knew it, the doors pearly gates opened and BAM! Instantly we were slammed with people pushing samples at us…nibbles and bites of savory, creamy, sweet, smooth,… Read more >


I promised a macaroon recipe and then went awol on ya!  My bad.  :P  You can blame my patients for wearing me out… So how about some coconutty treats? After falling in love with Tropical Traditions’ coconut oil, I was delighted when they offered to hook me up with shredded coconut to sample. If I had an all-time-favorite-ingredient list, coconut would be rapidly rising the charts.  It’s rivaling pumpkin right now, so that’s saying something! As soft and fine as the lightest snow flurries.  [That’s a reference for my New York peeps.  I’m (happily) far… Read more >

It all evens out

Last week I had one of those days where my appetite just wouldn’t quit.  I hate those kinds of days, honestly.  They either mean my metabolism is psychotically fast (here’s hoping!) or I’m nursing a tapeworm (shudder).  Unfortunately, I didn’t handle it in a healthy or mindful way.  My stomach seemed to be growling constantly, so I took advantage of it and (ultimately) went overboard.  I wasn’t going to blog about it (because, quite frankly, the actual eats weren’t exactly newsworthy), but then I realized how I reacted the following day was worth sharing with… Read more >

Curry cravings

***Holy crap you guys like oats!  I’m loving all the entries to my giveaway, so keep ‘em coming!!*** Well, if yesterday I forgot what the gym was, today I forgot what work was… Apparently, several days off in a row –> Reality check!  [Ouch] At least I remembered how to pack a lunch…look at all the colors!  I literally think my work eats managed to rep’ every color (can we count the dried cranz as purple?).  It may be a stretch but I’m calling it poetic license.  Deal. Apple. Apple. Bar. Bar. Bar. Salad. Carrots…. Read more >

My Salsa

To the few people who understand my weird (read: abnormal) humor, this title is for you.  For the rest of you, I’m sorry.  Hopefully this isn’t your first red flag that I’m not exactly “normal,” but if it is…well, there you have it.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  I had a weird dinner tonight.  “My salsa makes all the pretty girls dance…” Yeah, Eminem knows ‘wassup. So before you close this page in disgust, allow me to explain.  ‘Cado + salsa + large-and-in-charge amounts of roasted red pepper hummus = Spreadable brilliance.  So why limit… Read more >