pizza dough

First visit home

For the past 6 days Kyle and I have been in the East Bay.  It’s incredible having P in my hometown – and very cool/weird/surreal taking him to all the places I grew up around.  He’s also gotten to meet some of my bestest friends.    But I’ll back up to the trip to get here…because we were slightly apprehensive knowing we had a 6+ hour drive with a baby.  We’ve conquered hour long walks no problem.  Short outings are a breeze.  But the I-5 is a whole other ball game – there are 35… Read more >

Dough & daiya

  I took my rings off while kneading this dough and forgot to put them back on for a few hours.  It’s so rare that I remove my wedding rings, because for some reason I get nervous when I do it.  I don’t know why.  But while they were off I went for a walk with Kyle and P.  When I got home and saw my rings on the kitchen counter I wondered how many people saw our family of three and my ring-less fingers.  The horror (sarcasm)!  Maybe nobody noticed.  I’m probably a freak… Read more >

A weekend of firsts

This past weekend was the first time in a couple of years that I skipped Expo West.  I had a ticket and everything, but I just didn’t see the point in trying to make it work.  I guess this is evidence that my priorities have shifted.  I like free samples and keeping on pulse with the latest natural food trends, but I like family bonding time more.  Lucky for me, my in-laws were there to scout out the scene in my absence.  They reported back and then some…with tons of samples for me to review. … Read more >

A family shower

I (semi) promised my G-ma that I’d post about our baby shower (although you’ll notice I made no such promise about how timely the post would be). [Me + G-ma] In truth, I didn’t take my camera because I was just going to soak up all the fun and family time.  But my aunt, cousins, sister, and mom did SUCH an outstanding job with everything – from the decor to the food – that I feel compelled to share.  I’ll include a vegan/gluten free dessert recipe, too (so it’s worth your while to read). iPhone… Read more >

Overly FODMAPs heavy

You know what my LEAST favorite part about blogging is?  Thinking of post titles.  Seriously, I am depleted.  After 4+ or whatever years it seems like there’s nothing left.  So I always wait ‘til the end and then I sit there, waiting to hit publish, while I stare at “enter a post title” on the top of the page.  Most of the time I go one of two routes – either super cheesy (like really lame puns) or super boring (like the name of a recipe).  It’s a miracle if it’s remotely clever.  But hopefully… Read more >