vegan cookies

Snowballs, Kale & Ivy

I woke up Friday with every single finger and toe crossed because the unit was overstaffed by one nurse and I was the first on the list to get a "holiday."  So as long as nobody called in sick, my phone was set to ring between 4 and 5 am with happy news.  I’ve never looked forward to a pre-sunrise call more.  At 4:45 I got the blessed call and by 4:50 I was back asleep.  I took full advantage of the free day and slept in, but once I woke up, I set right… Read more >


I have no clue what that title is about.  Sorry.  I did a lot of baking today and maybe I’m high off the fumes (because vanilla and cinnamon can have that effect right?). This chef-tastic session in the kitchen may have something to do with my breakfast. Gingersnaps make excellent fuel.  And by fuel I mean sugar cravings. The problem with having a massive and delicious cookie for breakfast is it sets the bar VERY high for the rest of the day’s food.  If you’ve already had dessert nirvana by 9 am, it leaves little… Read more >

While you were out

My amazing guest blogs allowed me to take a hiatus from posting, but I was still snapping pictures for the good stuff.  There’s no way I could share a week’s worth of food in one post, so I will limit it to the top three highlights worth sharing…all of which happen to start with the letter “B”.  1. Bread I’ve made probably 5 loaves since I last blogged.  I’ve been changing the ratios of flours with each one.  Some have been stellar (like the 2 pound loaf that I single-handedly polished off in one day)…while… Read more >

Beach priorities

  Last Friday I skipped my planned run to go to the beach.  It wasn’t really set in stone anyway…when I say “planned run”, what I mean is, “exercise session I got dressed for but then immediately changed out of.”  I’m not one of those people who pre-sets the week’s fitness plan each Sunday night.  Yes, I usually do something each day of the week, but I pretty much figure it out that day, depending how I feel in the moment.  I work 3 days a week, so on those days I stick to AM… Read more >

Reading between the lines

My Thursday started at 4:20 am.  [I always change my alarm to a different time, so I actually think this was a 4:24 day] I wasn’t really feeling very Jillian-esque, so I zoned out to Most Eligible Dallas while pumping iron in my living room. [pumping iron = minimal reps with 3 lb dumbbells]    I had pancakes for breakfast before work. [I’m not superwoman, I made these in advance, see below]   As usual, I had my work eats all ready to go, including a buckwheat breakfast, a mixed leftovers salad, two Enjoy Life… Read more >