
A big day

Kyle’s on his way home!  Weee!  After an eternity on my own, I’m re-he-he-heeeeally looking forward to his return. [edited to add: the van broke down and he’s stuck in Albuquerque sorting out the game plan to fix it, so who knows what this means for his return home] Let me just photo bomb you with some recent meals… Carrots, green grapes, Mary’s Gone crackers, Redwood Hill Farm smoked cheddar goat cheese, hard boiled eggs, local smoked almonds (from the Co-op). Very smoke-y, very yummy.  Ditto goes for the almonds. Carrots, Mary’s Gone crackers, candied walnuts,… Read more >

Meals I’m excited about

Sometimes I get bummed out when I realize over the course of the day I’ve basically eaten nothing but toast with Earth Balance, bananas with nut butter, and crackers with hummus.  In large quantities.  These foods are delicious and healthy, yes.  But inspired?  Not so much.  Which is why this simple but different lunch made me so very happy.    I got rainbow chard at the farmer’s market and decided I had to use it in more ways than just a salad (or sandwich ingredient).  I’ve done both of those things with it already, but… Read more >

Hospital, take-out, & home-made (food from the first two weeks post-partum)

The first couple of weeks have flown by.  It’s what everyone said would happen, and it is definitely the truth. The food in the hospital was okay.  [I work at the same place I gave birth to P so I know exactly where the menu and cafeteria excel and fall short] Whoever told me the first meal after birth would be the best thing I ever ate lied.  I didn’t take a photo of it, but I got two slices of french toast and a banana.  Remember how much I adore the hospital’s french toast? … Read more >

Home for the Holidays on Christmas

12/25/12 Christmas morning!!!!!  Wee!!!  [It never gets old] I slept horribly all night, so I was up before anyone else.  Rather than peak at what Santa had stuffed in my stocking, I set to work on breakfast.  I made a huge batch of waffle batter and started the coffee (and made enough noise that Kyle and my dad were up soon thereafter). Once my sister and mom joined the party we all opened our stockings. Then we took a breakfast break. Waffles with the toppings: raspberries, blueberries, maple syrup & Earth Balance My sister made… Read more >

Crunch Quota

First order of business, the gardein winners.  #8 Robin O., #25 Erica Wollman, and #28 Debbie.  Email me with your addresses. Now.  Let’s do a full day of food, okay?  This is from over a week ago. I woke up way too early after sleeping way too little.  Nothing new. I had milky coffee.  And holiday waffles with an egg. Oh gorgeous froth. About two hours later, I was hungry (again), so I made a sweet potato hash. I made it the same way as I previously posted. You’d think the coconut oil would have… Read more >