Hungry Hungry Hippie

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How was your night?

Mine was fabulous.  Kyle may or may not kill me for posting that picture.  But it’s worth it.  I had to show you all how adorbz my beau is! Getting serenaded while eating an apple/cinnamon dessert on the late night – is there a better way to spend your Friday night?  I think not. But back to the AM. Breakfast of champions indeed.  I really tested my stomach’s expansion ability with this one.  First of all that coffee mug was the size of my head (and I had 2 of ‘em filled to the brim),… Read more >

Fact or Fiction

Fact: I could wash down dirt with foamy coffee and still be happy. Fact: Spending 15 minutes trying to fix a broken toaster can lead you to dark places.  Good thing God invented peanut butter for such moments. Fiction: A microwave is just as good as a toaster anyways. Fact: Apples + cinnamon = the perfect fall snack Fiction: Taking a cross-town bus after coffee and fiber loading is a smart idea. Fact: Bathrooms aren’t abundant on the Upper East Side. Fact: In terms of pita pockets, there is no such thing as TOO stuffed…. Read more >


Apple, Blog, Coffee that is.  As if my hospital-less days would start any other way… Hope you guys liked the froth tutorial.  This alphabetical brekkie got me through a tivo-ed Gossip Girl episode (followed by a dance party in my PJs to Lady GaGa) and many many blogs, but eventually I needed a course two. A [me] & goji bowl of deliciousness filled (my tummy’s) void.  Shortly after I digested, I threw on some clothes, got my hair did, beautified my face, and hit the road to get some errands done.  Runway ready?  FO SHO…. Read more >

Tutorial: how to get your coffee frothy

Ok, since a bunch of you have been asking how I get my java all foamy, I decided it was about time for a tutorial.  As you can see, it’s a pretty integral part of my AM coffee routine.  Being a coffee connoisseur caffeine dependent, I am willing to spend nearly any price to get my fix the EXACT way I like it.  The good news: this tool doesn’t cost anywhere near as much as some fancy shmancy espresso machine. Introducing the Caffé Froth by BonJour… It’s such a simple tool to use, and yet,… Read more >

Longest shift of my life

I know there’s a ton of TWSS potential with that post title, but unfortunately it is in reference to my j-o-bizzle (so get yo’ mind out of the gutter)!  How was my day?  Does that answer the question? (not that you really asked) Four of those are mine.  Four.  Normally I’m all about saving my cup and taking advantage of the free 54 cent refills.  But, since I worked through lunch, I didn’t even get the chance to run across the street to get my Starbucks fix.  I was barely hanging on (which I guess… Read more >