A winner and some extra stuff

I’m not promising you’ll care about all these things, but I’ll share the most important thing first.

*Giveaway winner*

Congrats to Hope who said “I am most interested in the Best Digestive Enzymes to help with my IBD issues I’ve been dealing with.”

I’m thrilled that you get to try Doctor’s Best products – send me your mailing address so I can get them out to you. 


Now for the fun part.  Grab a cup of coffee and get cozy because last week (maybe longer ago?) I was tagged to do a fun little survey by Clare

Here’s the gig:

1. List 11 random things about myself
2. Answer the 11 questions she asked me
3. Come up with 11 questions to ask other bloggers
4. Tag 11 other bloggers to do this next

11 Random Things About Me:

  1. Over 75% of the charges on my credit card statement are from Whole Foods.
  2. I got my first cell phone as a sophomore in college.  How ancient does that make me sound?
  3. I studied abroad in Barcelona and I’ve been back to Spain four times since.
  4. Kyle and I met at our on-campus job in undergrad.
  5. My middle name is Claire, so my dad calls my e-clair and my grandpa calls me chocolate.
  6. I was pre-med in college.  I am so glad I didn’t go that route.
  7. We are moving on March 1st.  We signed the papers yesterday and I’m still in shock at how quickly this is going.  I’m beyond excited about our new place.
  8. I have a cookbook addiction.  I want every single one I come across.  For this reason, Kyle won’t go with me to Barnes & Noble.
  9. Kyle and I are running a half marathon in April.  Oddly, I haven’t run a race in forever (aside from that triathlon) and I am pretty sure this will be my last half.  My interest in long distance running is waning by the day.
  10. The only holidays I really care about are Christmas, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July [plus my birthday].  The rest are just whatever.  I’m more likely to request days off work around the Super Bowl and March Madness than Valentine’s.
  11. I don’t even remember the make or model of my first car.  It was a 1988 p.o.s. and I had it for less than a year because the brakes went out on me while I was driving.  My sister was in the car at the time…fortunately we are both alive to tell the tale.

Questions I Have To Answer:

  1. Favorite Condiment?  Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
  2. How old do you think you’ll be when you die? Yikes, morbid much?  Um. I’ve really never even considered this, maybe 90?
  3. If you could only eat fruits or vegetables, which would you choose?  Veggies.  I need carrots and kale in my life.
  4. Hair up or down?  Up.  I’m lazy.
  5. Flowers or chocolate?  Chocolate. 
  6. Bud Light or Miller Lite?  B minus
  7. Gushers or Dunkaroos?  Both are extremely unappealing, but gushers.
  8. Favorite type of M&M?  Peanut.
  9. Favorite Beer?  My favorite beers are seasonal ones that are impossible to find, like Dogfish Head Punkin’ Ale (it’s awesome!) and ginger beer.
  10. What are you doing next Thursday?  Prepping to cook my father-in-law a birthday dinner.
  11. Window or Aisle Seat?  Aisle, I pee a lot.  But I always sacrifice it for Kyle.  I’m super sweet that way.

Questions for the next round of people:

  1. Do you have any nicknames?
  2. Chocolate or vanilla?
  3. Guilty pleasure TV show?
  4. Alcoholic drink of choice?
  5. Favorite dessert?
  6. Where were you born?
  7. How old were you when you joined facebook?
  8. Favorite meal you ate as a kid?
  9. Last vacation you went on?
  10. Something you hated as a child but eat now?
  11. Favorite holiday?

11 other bloggers to answer this (I’m trying to remember who has and hasn’t done this already, so sorry if you get a repeat request!):

  1. Abby
  2. Caroline
  3. Leng
  4. Yolie
  5. Lindsay
  6. Lauren
  7. Evan
  8. Lou
  9. Lara
  10. Katie
  11. Katie


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Comments (13)

  1. Shana

    I work 5 miles from Dogfish Head. The restaurant might be my favorite place on the planet 🙂

  2. Courtney

    Ha! I got my first cell phone in college too. It makes me feel SOOOO old when I see elementary school aged kids with cell phones. Crazy!


  3. Lindsay @ Lindsay's List

    ok..since you know I already did this one today, I’ll just answer one of your questions here.
    Fave meal as a child? I distinctly remember all the meals my mama made me when I was sick. Grilled Cheese and tomato soup if it was my throat and BBQ Fritos and Sprite if it was my belly. HA!

  4. Lara

    Fun!!! Yay, I have some new blogging material 🙂
    E-Clair…I LOVE it. Like, love. It makes me want to name my baby something cool that I can abbreviate JLo, errr Eclair style 😉

  5. Krystina (Krystina Zena)

    This hasn’t a thing to do with anything you wrote in the post, but I adore your nail polish!

  6. Lauren A. @ Newest Obsession

    Oh man I have got some brainstorming to do ;-)! Thanks for the tag.

  7. Abby

    Moi? I’m pleasantly surprised, as you’re kind of a blogging rock star to me. Now I have something to think about and post next week, so thanks for that!

  8. Lee

    I didn’t get a cell phone until the year after I graudated college! Talk about ancient.

  9. julie

    a girl after my own heart: The only holidays I really care about are Christmas, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July [plus my birthday]. The rest are just whatever. I’m more likely to request days off work around the Super Bowl and March Madness than Valentine’s.

  10. Pingback: 11-11-11-11 « Newest Obsession

  11. Leng

    my first car’s battery died on me too, but in the first hour! LOL

    Thanks for choosing me to do the questions! It gives me new blog content as well. 🙂

  12. Pingback: 11, 11, 11, 11 « Leng Bites (beta)

  13. Lurraine

    That’s an ineugions way of thinking about it.

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