egg scramble

Hangover food cont.

Happy Thanksgiving!!  [slash happy birthday to my sister] I’ve been working all week, so I don’t have anything that’s current to share.  Mostly my same old same old.  In lieu of a post about my work food, I’m just going to recap the remainder of my hangover recovery from last Sunday.   But first, a simple THANK YOU to my readers.  I love writing, but I admit it’s all the more enjoyable knowing there are other people out there who like reading my musings (besides my in-laws).  I have a ton to be grateful for… Read more >

Almond Curry Sautee

Oops!  I nearly deleted these pics before I realized I never shared the recipe with you guys!  Sorry for this long overdue post from a meal that I made two weeks ago. I always forget to use almond butter in savory meals because for some weird reason I associate it with sweet dishes.  Probably because I prefer sweet dishes.  Especially in my morning oats, which is when I most frequently reach for nut butters in general. Not this time! My parents were out for the evening (because they have a better social life than I… Read more >

The proof is in the pudding

They say evidence is damning.  And I have to agree.  My camera has been revealing some of these truths.  Here’s proof… …that I should always cook oats on the stove or eat them raw  …that working three shifts in a row can cause you to add extra zeros (at least it was the microwave – which has far less disastrous consequences than a patient’s meds!) …that everything is salvageable (just add nut butter) …that I will never get bored of apples …that you can make quinoa “ghetto” …that my patients are turning me into a… Read more >

Untimely meals

Starting the day with stove-top oats is becoming a nice ritual on non-work days.  On Saturday, I woke up at 7:30 without an alarm (not ideal), but embraced it and jump kicked the weekend with some coffee…and blogging. Evidently, I took zero photos of my beautiful cup of joe. And yet, somehow I wound up with 800 pictures from my pumpkin oat cooking session.  The recipe isn’t rocket science, and yet, I feel like it’s so pretty that I’m committing a crime in not taking pictures. Don’t worry, I deleted half of them, so now… Read more >

Flashback Friday: Hawaiian honeymoon

Who says reminiscing has to be reserved for Fridays, right?  Flashback Saturday anyone?  Today is my birthday, so try and let it slide…  While I huff and puff my heavily candled (28!!) vegan birthday cake, I hope you’ll enjoy reading about our tropical luna de miel. Kyle and I got married on Saturday, August 28th. On Monday the 30th we headed off to Kauai for the most relaxing week of vacation ever.  Our trip started at 4 am (Pacific time), and we didn’t arrive in Hawaii until 5 pm (Island time).  In case you were wondering… Read more >