
12 miles/hr

Here’s a fun little “would you rather.” It’s pretty much the question that most Angelinos face on a daily basis.  Would you rather drive or ride your bike for 12 miles?  What if I told you the cycling route would be a guaranteed 60 minute commute, but you may or may not be in your car for 1-2 hours?  Welcome to my life. I chose the bike.   My parents are in So Cal this week to see all the new babies in the fam, so on Monday night they took us out to dinnah…. Read more >

Another maoz meal

So my last post left off with us wandering the Latin Quarter attempting to locate the Pantheon.  Well, we did eventually find it. Pantheon means “every God,” which is weird considering it’s (now) a secular sight.  But originally it was a church, built for and dedicated to St. Genevieve (the patron Saint of Paris).  This Genevieve chick was quite the good luck charm for the French.  She protected Paris from the Barbarians in 500 AD and was then buried at the Pantheon.  Thousands of years later, Louis XV credited her for his recovery from serious… Read more >

maoz végétalien

Day three in Paris started similar to the rest, alarm clocks and coffee shops.  Yes shops, plural. Starbucks has soy milk, so the lactose intolerant people went there.  Paul has buttery pastries, so the dairy consumers went there. Sadly, Paul doesn’t allow photography inside.  I know that because I got in trouble the first time I went in, camera raised.  The second time I channeled my inner paparazzi peeping Tom and got these shots. Even loitering a few feet from the doorway (like a creep), I could smell how delicious their treats were.  Melted butter… Read more >


If I had to summarized Monday through Thursday in a single post…well…I can’t, so I don’t know how to end that sentence.  But, where I was going with that intro was to say my week has been packed and amazing. Highlights reel?  Sure, why not. Monday slash Tuesday I had night shift stuff.  The only thing of note food-wise was how many berries I consumed over the course of the day.  I have likely met my Vitamin C quota until October.  I also made a pita pie (for those of you who keep asking about… Read more >

Please don’t pinch me

Happy (belated) St. Patrick’s Day!  I seriously forgot to wear green – yikes!  My grandpa would disown me if he knew such a thing!  This is also the first St. Patty’s in a long time that I didn’t celebrate with green beer.  I’ll try and make up for it this weekend.  But more on those plans later.  I definitely had a rough time waking up yesterday morning.  It didn’t help that midnight came and went and I was still awake… My alarm buzzed me back to life at 4:20, at which point Jillian and I… Read more >