p.b. and j

Not my finest hour

I woke up at 6:50 am today.  FYI, my shift starts 7.  Uh.  Oops?  After having a mini-stroke, I got my butt in gear and hauled ass to work.  If there’s ONE THING you should know about me, it is this: I HATE CHAOS.  Odd, given my job right?  To be honest, I feel like it is actually this quality of my personality that’s one of the reasons I thrive in the ICU.  I think the constant drive to create order and stability works to my advantage in such an intense setting.  And yet, in… Read more >

Short and sweet

In the interest of…well…interest, this post is going to be super short.  Nothing remotely exciting happened today. 5 AM – I woke up to the annoying buzz, buzz, buzzzzzz of my alarm 7AM to 7 PM – Workface Please direct all questions about my lunch to your mom the comments section.  I doubt you’ll have any, it’s not like this was anything new… Oh wait, there was this: How’d that fatty sneak it’s way into my chickpeas????  The main thrill of the day was the medical staff appreciation mini-shindig thingy that the hospital hosted at… Read more >

i’ve got the golden ticket

This post will be quick and to the point because I am SO tired. Big coffee + blueberry bran VitaTop muffin. These are good, but not too filling. They’d probably be better as snacks because there is certainly not enough caloric oomph to get the day started. So I had a cereal mess (a la Andrea)…I think I will eat all cereal out of this bowl forever-more. It’s so fun! Apple. (I know, it’s a good thing I put a title for the pic, as you may not have been able to figure out what… Read more >

peanut buttah jelly time

Hooray!  The internet people fixed our connection thingy for real now.  Can you tell how tech savvy I am with that intelligent computer language…Anyways, fingers crossed, we won’t have any more days without access to the outside world.  Phew!  (Since it is snowing and I’m cooped up in the apartment, I associate the internet with the “outside”) I started the day off with a mug of frothy vanilla coffee and big bowl of oats. Gotta love me some Bob’s Red Mill organic whole grain oats 🙂 I had about 1 1/2 cups and added in… Read more >

London calling

My K-Love is still in the UK, and I miss him like whoa!  Since he left for his business trip while I was in Cabo, I haven’t seen him for over a week, and the time difference makes it hard to even get in a few live conversations…boo :(   He even called the unit yesterday (while I was WORKING) to say a quick hello, that’s how desperate we were to touch base.  It was only a 3 minute convo though, since one of my patients went into V-tach right after I picked up the phone. … Read more >