soy milk

Solo Saturday

Initially, I thought this weekend wouldn’t be too bad since my weekend at the hospital overlapped with Kyle’s trip to the west coast (I mean, we might as well both be occupied if we aren’t together, right?)…but then I found out some of my fave peeps were going to be in town.  [Insert HUGE sigh]  Next time… Work grub.  Let’s get to it. Now what do we have here:  PB&J Larabar (it had been too long – I don’t recommend waiting over a month week between consuming this flavor), Chocolate Brownie Clif bar (ummm, chocolate… Read more >


This morning there was not enough coffee in the world.  Sometimes late nights do that… Imagine this mug times 100.  Ok, 3. For breakfast, I practiced my vampire bite with various pieces of fruit.  Clearly I’m going through True Blood withdrawal… I also had some Smart Balance-i-fied toast.  Had to finish up the Alvarado Street loaf to make way for my new Nature’s Pride loaves. (Fangs marks not included) As usual, on my day off I worked on re-stocking the kitchen/fridge for my work days.  This included making: quinoa, chickpeas, black beans, steamed veggies in… Read more >

Fall colored food

I didn’t even realize how ridiculously orange my meals were, until I uploaded all the pictures…holy naranja!  I woke up fairly early for my day off, which allowed time for serious AM chowing.  This mug vat of coffee had froth up the yin-yang (just the way I like it).  I also toasted an English muffin and caked on the Smart Balance light.  Puddles of butter normally skeeve me out, but for some reason I craved it today. Throughout the morning I read blogs and snacked on lots of fruit.  Gotta enjoy the (dwindling) sweet part… Read more >

Clean Food to recoup

I called in sick today.  :(  I couldn’t help but feel that I would be doing more harm than good for my patients.  Healing hands?  Not so much.  So, rather than pass on my germies, I opted to keep my infectiousness to myself.  Hoarder!   You know I’m feeling bad when I bring out this bad boy.  My entire fist fits in this mug, I LOVE it :D  Half coffee, half leche, half froth.  Yes, the mug was SO big, the laws of mathematics didn’t even apply – it fit 3/2 in it.  Notice the… Read more >

A rainy day with Jillian Michaels

Guess who’s turning 21 today!?!?!  My baby sister, Marie!!!  Somehow I am the shortest in my fam, even though I’m the oldest.  Boo. I can’t believe she’s turning 21.  She’ll always be 12 in my eyes.  I can’t wait for her to visit NYC in August – we are going to celebrate in a MAYJ way! In case you were wondering (since I was just wishing happy birthday for my , yes, my sissie-poo and my popsicle do have back to back birthdays.  Now, onto the food. Liquid AM.  Slosh slosh.  I used the above… Read more >