tortilla wrap

California quickie

This morning I woke up before 7 am sans alarm (???).  I tried to get back into REM, but my body wasn’t having it.  Oh well.  I did have a few errands to run, so I washed & brushed and headed out… By the time I got back to my apartment it was 7:15 and I had already tackled 2/3 of my day’s to-do list!!  Then I looked down at my outfit. Note to self: do NOT leave the apartment when you’ve had less than 5 hours of sleep…I looked like some disastrous combination of… Read more >

3 shifts, 3 bars, 3 bottles

Wuddup sissy-poos?  What’s crack-a-lack-in in the blog ‘hood? If the title confuses you, here are the latest trilogy of events in my life: I worked 3 days in a row, tried 3 new bars, and downed 3 bottles of Kombucha. I’m pretty sure I left off with my pre-packed eats for Sunday’s workity-work, which almost satisfied me, but needed a little supplementation at lunch time. Enter Grape Kombucha!!  Caroline, you were right, this one is divine!  It totally reminded me of popsicles on a hot summer day.  Too bad I was on my lunch break… Read more >

Carb-o loading for fun

Froth-a-licious! It was a VERY berry morning.  Strawberry chobz + even more strawberries. These were the Arnold Schwarzenegger of strawberries.  They were SO huge, I think I only needed 4 to fill the bowl to the brim! See!!  Massive!  For lunch, I made a Philly NY cheese steak seitan wrap…yeahhhhh, my version has nada to do with the greasy, cheesy, meaty dish made famous by the city of brotherly love.  Oddly enough though, seitan with veggie slices kinda reminds me of the artery clogging sammie (as gross as that is to admit).  Fortunately, my wrap… Read more >

Love the nine-oh

The sun came out of hibernation today!  It was glorious.  I forgot what it felt like to have 90 degree rays beaming down on me.  Soak it up baby, soak it up. I should mention Wed night after I posted I had toasted Alvarado Street bread with peanut butter and carob chips.  I’m not usually a late night eater (at least I try to avoid it) but this new purchase had to be tested.  It passed.  Waaaaay passed. So all Thursday long, I thought it was Friday.  I keep getting confused on the days of… Read more >

oranges, oranges, oranges

Overdose alert!!  I kinda went crazy with the naranjas today (fyi that’s oranges in Spanish).  So now that I’ve fulfilled Elise’s daily cultural lesson for all you non-espanol-ers out there, I’ll continue on with today’s post.  Gringo, much?   I made this one with soymilk, but I am SO excited to go shopping today for a new non-milk milk.  Can I just say how amazing this blogging community is?!?  Seriously, I have a question, and I turn to you all, and voila, answer! So a HUGE thanks for all your suggestions!  Seriously, you guys rock…. Read more >