
Work and what-not

I made a Mexi-kale salad for lunch.  Sure, I just coined the term, but I think it fits.  On top of the kale was wakame seaweed, butternut squash, cherry tomatoes, black beans, and some salsa (added later so it wouldn’t sogg-ify).  Yes, I realize the involvement of seaweed in a south-of-the-border themed salad may be a bit of a stretch, but can’t I just claim poetic license on this one? To complete the (admittedly weak) Mexi theme, I also had a baggy of Brad’s Blues All Natural blue corn tortilla chips which added the perfect… Read more >

In the words of Erin…

The days of froth have returned.  The holidays are all about decadence right? My morning cups of coffee have been quite elaborate as of late.  I think the cold weather brings it out.  This one was less than 50% coffee.  The rest was cocoa powder, stevia, coconut milk “creamer” froth, and a partridge in a pear tree candy cane.  YUM-AY I also had a cup of Chai tea.  In case you haven’t noticed, I’m obsessed with Chai tea lately.  It probably has more to do with the way it warms me up than anything else… Read more >

Hark! Christmas is here, bringing good cheer

Working on the holidays isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I realize there are worse things (like being a patient).  So I tried to make the most of it, and celebrated regardless.  I was working with my fave co-RNs, too, which helped make the day fun, rather than depressing.  Last night, in an effort to get to bed on time, I threw this lunch together way too fast.  I’d like to blame the lack of groceries on my desire to save $$ and use up what’s currently in the deepest depths of the pantry,… Read more >

Drinking on the job

Before you all have collective heart attacks, no, I did NOT get sh!t faced while doing my nurse thang.  However, Saturday night WAS the cardiac surgery holiday party (aka open bar on the MDs tab).  Unfortunately for yours truly, I still had to work my 12 hour shift on Saturday…as well as the next day (Sunday).  Boo! I can think of about 15,000 other things I’d rather do after work than put on a dress and pretend that I feel pretty while I’m covered in a patient’s ventilator spew and C. diff.  Oh, and did… Read more >


Apple, Blog, Coffee that is.  As if my hospital-less days would start any other way… Hope you guys liked the froth tutorial.  This alphabetical brekkie got me through a tivo-ed Gossip Girl episode (followed by a dance party in my PJs to Lady GaGa) and many many blogs, but eventually I needed a course two. A [me] & goji bowl of deliciousness filled (my tummy’s) void.  Shortly after I digested, I threw on some clothes, got my hair did, beautified my face, and hit the road to get some errands done.  Runway ready?  FO SHO…. Read more >