Maintenance for a month

Since P reached maintenance for his cow milk OIT, we have been waiting for a full month to try out dairy…

Per our MD’s protocol you should wait at least a month after graduating before adding in new dairy.  And from there you should start with amounts of protein <4 g (because his dose is 1/2 cup whole milk which is equivalent to 4 g of protein).  After that you can proceed however you wish.  This is freeing and exciting and nerve-wracking all at once.  But mostly exciting.

On day 1 he tried: 1 tsp of butter on top of his pancakes (not a true challenge since butter should have TRACE amounts of protein if any, but still…he’s reacted to it in the past so it’s a challenge)

Verdict: no reaction!

On day 2 he tried: 1/4 a string cheese (2 g protein)

Verdict: no reaction!

On day 3 he tried: a bunch of goldfish crackers (55 is considered one serving but he didn’t have close to that many, which means the protein count was significantly less than the label’s 3 g listed)

Verdict: no reaction!

On day 4 he tried: a bite of my tomato soup (one bite with a tiny bit of cream in the whole bowl is hardly a challenge at this point but he was sick so I didn’t want to add too much else beyond his dairy and peanut doses)

I will keep noting things he tries as I blog about this journey (which are always tagged as allergy FYI), but I’m already AMAZED at what oit has afforded us.  The sense of safety and peace of mind that comes from doing this is invaluable.  We can eat at restaurants! We can have friends feed him!  We can send him off with family!  I was scared to let myself dream that we’d get here, but here we are!  Funny enough, last week the “dairy” charm on his allerbling bracelet broke.  It was destiny.

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